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How to Say “No”: A Lesson in Compassion
In May of 2016, two world-class climbers attempted to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen. One, Cory Richards, ended up on top. The...
SIYLI’s Holiday Book Recommendations
As the holidays draw near, many of us look forward to cozying up with a good book. Whether you want a few titles to enjoy during vacation...
7 Days of Thanks
As always in the U.S., November is special because of the Thanksgiving holiday, a time to gather with family and friends and reflect upon...
Bad Habits & Addiction: How Mindfulness Can Retrain the Brain
Nobody’s perfect. We’re all shaped by our genetics and environment and susceptible to developing unhealthy behavioral patterns. Whether...
How to Diffuse Conflict: Flip the Script
Invisibilia recently shared a powerful story that demonstrates how emotional intelligence can diffuse a tense situation:
Empathy is not Intuitive
Lots of people might argue otherwise, but empathy is not an intuitive process. Intuition is defined as the ability to perceive the truth,...
For Greater Joy, Celebrate What’s Missing
Imagine yourself sitting on a granite boulder at the edge of a crystal-clear glassy lake, the reflection of the majestic mountains...
Bringing Joy to Work
It’s hard to turn down something that will help you be happier and more successful at work. Activating joy as a fundamental quality of mind...
How to Boost the Happiness Index
Since 2008, The Harris Poll has surveyed Americans to assess their level of general happiness. Their Happiness Index is an average from...