With your support,
we can do even more
In 2024, we've dedicated over $27,000 in scholarships because (1) it heavily aligns with our mission, and (2) we are deeply committed to nurturing emotional resilience and compassionate leadership in the world.
We need your help to sustain our efforts.
In a world increasingly in need of these skills, you can open the door for changemakers, grassroots activists, public servants, and students worldwide to experience the transformative power of mindfulness-based emotional intelligence.
With your support, we can invest in training diverse teachers in the new SIY curriculum, enabling them to skillfully hold space for others to cultivate the inner resources necessary to transform our world. Your generosity enables us to develop meaningful curriculums and offer free and sliding-scale community events. Everything is possible when we work together. Will you join us?
To support SIYLI in making mindfulness accessible, meaningful, transformative: