Resistance in Meditation
In the mindfulness community, the term “resistance” is commonly used word. But what does it mean? And how does it affect your meditation...
How to Mindfully Navigate Disagreements and Arguments
Disagreements and arguments can be either a source of frustration and anger, or a source of growth and understanding. Poorly navigated...
What to Focus on During Meditation: 20 Ideas
Most types of meditation involve paying attention to your mind, then gently bringing your attention back to a chosen focal point if your...
Meditation to Improve Public Speaking
World-class public speakers generally have a few traits in common. They’re relaxed on stage. They’re spontaneous and often interact with...
How to Find the Right Meditation for You
There are over a dozen different styles of meditation to choose from. Some are better at improving concentration, while others are better...
“The Tribe Bringing Mindfulness to the World” – A Personal Account of SIYLI’s Teacher Certification Program
I am half-way through the year-long mastery program to become a certified Search Inside Yourself Teacher. I have been teaching executives...
Meditation Basics
While the meditation is primarily about the mind and the spirit, the body also plays a key part. Because emotions are coded in physical...
How to Enter the Flow State
You’ve probably felt it before. That state where time seems to stand still, where you just seem to know exactly what to do. You’re fully...
How to Manage Emails Mindfully
People are often less mindful with email than they are with face to face communication. Computer screens have the tendency of creating a...
How to Build Resilience
Resilience can be defined as the ability to overcome obstacles on the way to a goal, without being distracted or overcome by the things...