June 2018 Dyad
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
How to Achieve a Meaningful and Happy Work Life
Part of Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute’s mission is to develop wise and compassionate leaders worldwide. After all, most of us...
May 2018 Dyad of the Month
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
Peacemaker Forum with George Mumford
During one of our recent Peacemaker Forums, SIYLI CEO Rich Fernandez spoke with George Mumford, the mindfulness and performance expert who...
What Do You Love About You?
Last year, a company created the video below titled “Loving Ourselves the Way We Love Others is Beautiful.” The premise behind it was to...
April 2018 Dyad of the Month
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
Peacemaker Forum with Sharon Salzburg
At one of our Peacemaker Forums not long ago, SIYLI CEO Rich Fernandez spoke with New York Times bestselling author and meditation teacher ...
Mindfulness Meditation as a Driver for Curiosity
What creates new ideas and helps people be more innovative? This question motivated Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany to launch an...
March 2018 Dyad of the Month
Join our monthly dyad practice by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
Mindful Leadership in a Muslim Nation
SIYLI’s Peter Bonanno taught SIY as part of the Mohammad bin Rashid Center for Leadership Development’s Impactful Leaders program, which is...