February 2018 Dyad of the Month
Join our monthly dyad practice by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
How to Maintain Your Mojo & Avoid Burnout at Work
A recent article in The New York Times described the expectations and pace of work in the Silicon Valley. Titled “In Silicon Valley,...
Measuring Success: SIYLI’s Impact in 2017
As we reflect on SIYLI’s mission and our efforts moving forward in 2018, we looked back to 2017 to see how it went. We ran the numbers from...
January 2018 Dyad of the Month
Join our monthly dyad practice by finding 10 minutes for a 1:1 conversation.
Bring Mindfulness to Work and Improve Your Communication Skills at the Same Time
From making the bed to washing your hands, simple daily activities can act as reminders to be in the moment. Similarly, routines at...
December Dyad of the Month
Join our monthly dyad practice by finding 10 minutes for a 1:1 conversation.
The Art of Managing Time*
Peter Weng, SIYLI’s chief business officer and head of global expansion, worked in the corporate world for more than 20 years and was a...
November Dyad of the Month
Join our monthly dyad practice by finding 10 minutes for a 1:1 conversation.
October Dyad of the Month
Join our monthly dyad practice by finding 10 minutes for a 1:1 conversation.
Mindful Parenting: A Daily Practice in Acceptance
Hemant Bhanoo left a career as a software engineer at Google to devote more time to mindfulness. He currently balances his role as SIYLI’s...