October 2018 Dyad
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
Mindful Leadership: Byron Kan Shares his SIY Experience
Are you curious about what it’s like to participate in a Search Inside Yourself program? Thanks to one of our partners—Octave, an...
Happiness 101: Expand Your Social Network—Here’s How
Multi-tasking during meals may seem like a way to be more productive, but scrolling through emails on your phone over coffee or eating...
September 2018 Dyad
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
August 2018 Dyad
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.
Peacemaker Forum with Linda Graham
Linda Graham—a psychotherapist who specializes in resilience and author of “Bouncing Back” and “The Resilience Toolkit”—spoke with SIYLI...
SIYLI Public Statement
At the request of the board of directors, Chade-Meng Tan is stepping down as chairman of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute...
The Science of Meditation is Clear
Recently, a research study and subsequent article in The New York Times received wide notice for the suggestion that meditation may...
July 2018 Dyad
Welcome to SIYLI’s monthly dyad practice. Please join us by finding 10 minutes for a one-on-one conversation.