The Best Version of Yourself
Many of us were raised in a culture of instant gratification. Our food is fast; our entertainment is an instant download away; and we...
Meet the Challenge
SIYLI believes that bringing mindful practices to work can foster happiness, productivity and world peace. We’ll work on the world peace...
Resolve to Be Happy this Year
Every year, people all over the world promise that this year will be different. They’ll be happier at work, healthier in their daily lives...
The Science Behind Mindfulness
At SIYLI, it’s no secret that we think mindfulness is mighty, but it’s not just our opinion. It’s easy to dismiss mindful practices as...
Happy Employees are More Productive
Over the years, the word work has developed a negative connotation. People believe work is something you have to do, in order to earn money...
Make the Decision to Be Mindful
We talk about mindfulness being the key to a happier life and a more successful career. But with all this talk of a happier life and...
In the Zone
Sometimes, finding the joy in your daily tasks can be a difficult proposition. But when you’re truly enjoying your tasks, and using mindful...
Take the Railroad to Avoid Triggers
If given the choice between a mindful, happy existence and a harried, stressful life, most would choose mindfulness. So, if mindfulness is...
Finding Focus
Too often in business, we rely on multitasking as the high water mark of an effective worker. At SIYLI, we know that most multitasking...