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Attend a 2-Day SIY Course (Mandatory Prerequisite)

All participants accepted into the Teacher Training program are required to attend our 2-day SIY program prior to attending Teacher Training. This ensures all participants have experienced the SIY program and have the common foundational experience needed to learn how to teach SIY.

Please see this list of 2-day SIY programs that we offer globally, and sign up for one. 

Attend a Silent Retreat (Mandatory Prerequisite)

Attend at least one 5-consecutive-day silent meditation retreat of your choosing prior to certification. While you may apply to and begin Teacher Training if you have not yet attended a retreat, you may not apply for certification until you have fulfilled this requirement.


Approximately 6 weeks before Session 1 we will send you pre-work consisting of various reading materials, a self-evaluation, journaling prompts, videos and other resources so you can begin your learning journey. Please budget 5-6 hours weekly to complete the pre-work prior to attending Session 1.