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There are two required prerequisites to attend Teacher Training:

1) Participate in a 2-day SIY program prior to attending Teacher Training. This ensures all participants have experienced the SIY program and have the common foundational experience needed to learn how to teach it.

If you are applying to Teacher Training and have not attended the 2-day SIY, you may sign-up for any one of our international Public Programs. Please remember that you must attend SIY before attending the first teacher training in-person session (this is module 2 in the Teacher Training journey). Note that only the 2-day SIY Program counts toward this prerequisite. The 1-day program does not count towards this requirement.

When completing your application, you’ll be asked to state which program you have attended or are planning to attend prior to Teacher Training.

2) Attend at least one 5-consecutive-day silent meditation retreat of your choosing prior to certification. While you may start Teacher Training if you have not yet attended a retreat, you may not apply for certification until you have fulfilled this requirement.