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Cultivating Peace in Troubled Times

Watch SIYLI’s chair of the board of directors, Rhonda Magee, and CEO Rich Fernandez as they discuss ways to cultivate mindfulness and emotional intelligence during troubled times.

Rhonda shared the R.A.I.N. mindfulness tool to navigate difficult times, which consists of four steps:

1. Recognize:

What is happening? Focus your attention on whatever thoughts, emotions, feelings, or sensations are arising right here and now.

2. Allow:

Accept this moment just as it is. Open to the experience, letting it unfold.

3. Investigate

: Direct a more focused attention to your present experience and ask yourself questions to learn more, with kindness.

4. Nurture

: Take care of yourself in this moment. “N” can also stand for non-attachment or   non-identification with the situation or outcome.

If you’d like to learn more, read “Five Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Practices for Difficult Times” by Rich.