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Rich Fernandez Presents at the United Nations: The Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence at Work

SIYLI had the opportunity to  participate in a pioneering day at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City to discuss how to harness mindfulness and emotional intelligence to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Our CEO Rich Fernandez gave a keynote presentation about the role of mindfulness and emotional intelligence in organizations today and in the future. The invitation for the event came from the UN Economic and Social Council and the UN Academic Impact committee. You can watch the full recording or Rich’s session below:


Mindfulness and emotional intelligence are key capabilities that anyone can learn and develop. They are essential for people, organizations and countries to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

1) No Poverty

2) Zero Hunger

3) Good Health and Well-being

4) Quality Education

5) Gender Equality

6) Clean Water and Sanitation

7) Affordable and Clean Energy

8) Decent Work and Economic Growth

9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10) Reducing Inequality

11) Sustainable Cities and Communities

12) Responsible Consumption and Production

13) Climate Action

14) Life Below Water

15) Life On Land

16) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17) Partnerships for the Goals

The talk was well received, and SIYLI is exploring ways to continue to partner with the United Nations to offer additional information and tools in the future.