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The Merits of Mindfulness at Work (Backed by Science)

Ideally, mindfulness bridges across work and home and everywhere we go. Being present moment to moment isn’t something that stops when we change responsibilities, but it does offer certain advantages in the workplace:

1. Mindfulness reduces the likelihood of burnout.

Mindfulness reduces stress, and burnout—emotional, mental and physical exhaustion—is caused by excessive and prolonged stress. A study done with healthcare providers showed that a mindfulness course decreased burnout and improved well-being.

2. Mindfulness can help treat insomnia.

The Centers for Disease Control considers sleep deprivation a certified public health problemThe better we sleep, the better our brains function, which is essential for work.

3. Mindfulness improves productivity.

There is a large body of research showing that mindfulness training improves our ability to orient attention and be less distracted, including this study that showed measurable improvements in attention control after only five days of mindfulness training.

4. Mindfulness keeps us healthy.

If we’re not physically healthy, everything suffers. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson’s work shows that mindfulness training can improve immune system function in eight weeks of training.

5. Mindfulness strengthens the qualities needed for leadership.

Because mindfulness allows us to respond (as opposed to react) to situations, it can improve decision making, communication and relationships—key components of leadership.