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How to Sharpen Your Performance

Have you ever had a nagging feeling that there’s something you’re supposed to be doing, but aren’t quite sure what it is? Do you find yourself checking email frequently or worried that you’re not staying on top of your responsibilities?

Here’s how to dispel the feeling of nagging stress:

Step 1. Brain Dump

If you have a lot of tasks stored in your head and not in a task organization system, do a brain dump. Sit for an hour and literally write down everything you’re supposed to do. It can be anything from picking up batteries at the grocery store to filing the new quarterly reports.

Keep asking yourself “Is there more?” until you can’t think of anything else that you need to do. You should have a list with dozens, if not hundreds, of tasks.

Now file this list of tasks into some sort of system. Use whatever tool works for you, even if it’s just pen and paper.

Step 2. Capture New Tasks in Real Time

Stop storing tasks in your memory. It causes a lot of stress because your mind always needs to be on the lookout. You’ll always be wondering if you’re forgetting something, because you don’t have a consistent system for capturing new tasks as they land on your lap.

Whenever a new task lands on your lap, capture it in real time. This is super easy with a smartphone. Whip out your phone and just note your new task. If you don’t use a digital storage system, send yourself an email. When you check your email later, move the task to whatever task storage system works for you.

Step 3. Meditate on the Clutter or Stress

Whenever you feel that nagging stress, meditate. It could just be a three-minute meditation. Sit, breathe and notice.

What physical sensations arise in your body as you notice the stress? What emotions are you feeling? Does the stress go through different stages? Shine the light of awareness on the stress, without seeking to change it.

Just awareness alone can be incredibly powerful. Meditating on the stress a few times will give you invaluable insights on where the stress is coming from and how to ease it out of your life.

Step 4: Practice Saying “Yes” to Tasks Fully

When you start a task, practice saying “yes!” to that task. For instance, let’s say you decide to spend 15 minutes researching a potential hire’s background. Instead of feeling the “draw” of other tasks while you’re doing your research, practice being a full “yes!” to the current task.

Step 5: Treat the Task as Meditation

In meditation, you’re regularly bringing your attention back to one focus. Usually, it’s the breath. The mind might wander or get caught up in other emotions, in which case you just bring it back.

Do the same with your work. Practice noticing when your mind or attention has wandered. Then, gently bring it back to your current task, without any self-judgment. It’s a practice, not a perfect.

These five steps can help you quickly clear up background stress and sharpen your mental performance. Start by getting your tasks out of your head and into an organizational system. Then, use mindfulness and meditation to navigate any remaining stress.