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How Mindfulness and EI Support Individuals and Organizations to Enable Change

SIYLI CEO Rich Fernandez hosted Ralf Haacke for our monthly Change-Maker Forum. Ralf shared insights from his experience establishing mindfulness and emotional intelligence programming within his global organization, Procter & Gamble. Rich and Ralf share tips on how to get leader buy-in, measure impact and make lasting change within organizations.

Your Speaker:

Ralf Haacke works at Procter & Gamble as a Director in P&G’s Global Business Services (GBS). Ralf has established, piloted and now leads P&G’s global “Improve YOUR Life” program, which is a personal leadership development program based on the “Search Inside Yourself” program developed at Google and now offered by the non-profit Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.

Previously at P&G, Ralf held various regional and ultimately global service and project management roles, including governance and relationship management responsibilities for strategic global external partners. In his personal life, he enjoys taking RV trips around Europe with his daughters and his spouse, and his biggest personal passion is exploring mindfulness and its multitude of benefits in day-to-day applications.