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Val Tan

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Seattle, WA, USA

Languages Offered

  • English, Chinese


With a background steeped in ancient traditions, and a lifetime of practicing mindfulness to support her modern (ultra busy) mind to perform in the modern life—Val is fiercely committed to helping visionary leaders and their teams navigate transformations, build a thriving culture, and create meaningful impact. Val grew up in a traditional family temple in Singapore, where meditation was a mandatory practice. “I had to sit up straight and try to be still and quiet for what feels like forever. But my mind _never_ shut up.” As a young adult, Val learnt to adapt this practice to help her cope with the stresses of the hyper-competitive environment in Asia. Today, Val runs a global modern practice, [M Meditation]( At M, mindfulness and meditation is never about sitting straight, being still, or asking your mind to shut up. Instead, Val teaches in an accessible and approachable manner—through science and storytelling; and makes sure that everything you learn can be applied #IRL (in-real-life). As such, M went on to become a strategic partner for organizational wellness initiatives with companies such as Amazon, Expedia, Airbnb, WeWork, and more. Val is also a [5th generation spiritual advisor and success strategist]( for frontier companies around the world seeking to actualize their next-level purpose and potential. She’s helped hundreds of executives, investors, coaches, doctors, and founders embody and set in motion their legacies—with clear-eyed vision, upleveled leadership, and a deep sense of purpose. Val graduated magna cum laude from the Singapore Management University whilst running 2 businesses and completing a student-exchange program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2010, Val left her award-winning advertising and media career to travel the world by bicycle on a [documentary project to inspire dreams]( 5 years, 3 continents, hundreds of media appearances including 2 TEDx talks later—Val splits her time between Seattle and Singapore, where she enjoys long walks, reinventing her grandmother’s recipes, and seeking out good matcha with her work and life partner, Tay.