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Nacor Ibanez

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Berlin, Germany

Languages Offered

  • English, Spanish


Nacor teaches Emotional Intelligence to a large variety of audiences: from multinationals like _PwC_ or _Zalando_ to Ballet theaters or top 50 professional tennis players. He takes pride on creating safe spaces for participants in which they can slow down enough to recognise who they are at their core - fears, desires, dreams, etc - to transform in the way they need. Nacor is educated in various educational programs like _SIY, Non Violent Communication, Co-Active Coaching or Gestalt Therapy_. He is able to bring the depth of therapeutical work with the sharpness of co-active coaching in a simple & accessible & practical way. Nacor is also a SIY Global Coach. Having a career as a professional tennis player and having worked at NIKE for years, Nacor understands the fast-paced and high-demanding environments so he can meet participants in an easy and compassionate way. He helps gain inner clarity to participants and to master their own emotional skills (i.e. self-awareness, emotional regulation, etc) to ride the ups and downs of life as best as possible. **Certifications:** * Co-Active Coach * Gestalt Therapy * Non Violent Communication * Life Coaching University of Cambridge Nacor loves playing tennis, doing yoga and creating new possibilities. **Emotional Intelligence is a language, just like English or French.**