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Martha Pollay

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Asheville, NC, USA

Languages Offered

  • English


Martha is a Co-Founder of Mandara Hospitality Group and a certified leadership coach. Her desire to maximize wellbeing and resilience has guided how she runs her personal and professional endeavors. The hospitality industry is all too often a “do as I say, not as I do,” Hell’s Kitchen type atmosphere with a palpable disconnection from our shared humanity.  From the launch of their first restaurant in 2009,  Martha’s vision has been to elevate the employee culture, leadership style and guest experience within the hospitality industry.  Mandara’s mantra, Feed Your Well-Being®, was inspired by this ambition. “Not only do we want to feed the well-being of our guests and our community, but we also want to behave and treat each other in a manner that does so as well.” Martha recognizes how the quality of one’s presence and attention affects the quality of their connections with those around them.  Knowing there is a ripple effect to every interaction, Martha is passionate about coaching her team to embody the social and emotional intelligence skills necessary to maximize the quality of their connections with others. As a Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher, Martha is committed to supporting others in their innate ability to develop and integrate the social and emotional intelligence skills necessary for embodying wellbeing, resilience and ease when connecting with others.