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Kinga Fekete

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Budapest, Hungary

Languages Offered

  • English, Hungarian


Kinga has taught SIY and customized mindfulness based-programs for business and non-profit organizations and provides mindfulness-based individual consulting. Her teaching style shows a deep curiosity about how the mind works, a fresh blend of digital and in-person learning and heartfelt passion towards helping individuals and teams thrive. Besides her background as a Global HR Lead in the IT sector, Kinga has strong experience as an HR Business Partner with a heavy focus on Learning and Development. She is committed to assist in building skills which help leaders and teams communicating effectively, increasing their productivity and happiness. Stepping into motherhood and deeply understanding the challenges of a new parent herself, she is passionate to support women thrive both in their careers and as a mother as well. Kinga is also an SIY Global Coach. Working with busy leaders at companies where change is the only constant and fast results are a must, she has helped leaders resolve conflicts, build strong teams and step up in their carreers. With her coaching style rooted in positive psychology, she is guiding her coaching clients towards their own best solution while practicing reflection and building self-awareness. Education and certifications: * BSc in Business Administration and Management (Babes-Bolyai University) * BA in Psychology (Babes-Bolyai University) * Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teacher training (Oxford Mindfulness Centre) * Coaching Course for Professionals with Psychology background (ICF specific)