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Acceptance Versus Avoidance

For those who tend to obsess about the future or who can’t let go of the past, quieting the mind can be a welcome reprieve that, as science...

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Meditation for Beginners

If you’ve ever tried to learn a sport under the guidance of someone more experienced, you’ve probably noticed how effortless it appears for...

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Slow-Motion Emotions

“Tachypsychia” is a neurological condition that distorts the perception of time, appearing to make events slow down or speed up. While we...

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How to Find Joy

As those of us in the Northern Hemisphere slide closer toward the deepening darkness of the winter solstice on December 21, many of us...

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Journaling to Self-Discovery

In 2009, researchers asked 49 college students to take two minutes on two consecutive days to write about something they found to be...

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Simple Gratitude

November brings a day in the United States to give thanks for Thanksgiving, but the act of being grateful deserves than only one day of the...

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Replacing Self-Criticism with Compassion

Everyone has an inner critic. The voice inside that says “you can’t do it” or “you’re not good enough.” For some, this voice is a...

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5 Tips for a Deeper Meditation Practice

Want to dive deeper into your meditation practice? In this blog post, we’ll talk about five different ways to take your meditation practice...

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Resistance in Meditation

In the mindfulness community, the term “resistance” is commonly used word. But what does it mean? And how does it affect your meditation...

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How to Mindfully Navigate Disagreements and Arguments

Disagreements and arguments can be either a source of frustration and anger, or a source of growth and understanding. Poorly navigated...

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