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Managing Versus Leading

Compassion, as defined by the third edition of Webster’s New World Dictionary, is “to feel pity, to suffer, sorrow for the sufferings or...

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A Lullaby for Adults: Sleep Meditation

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic. Not getting enough sleep has...

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Practicing Empathy

Empathy is innate. Scientists have documented that empathy is common in children—even rats—but not all of us continue to be as empathetic...

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Measuring Stress & Managing Triggers

The crux of managing stress is to first be able to recognize the exact moments that we’re triggered. We may experience a fight-or-flight...

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Procrastination and Meditation Myths

We’re human. For most of us, this means we’ve perfected the art of procrastination. Why do we avoid things? And why do we make up excuses...

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Adding Another Layer to Mindful Listening

Filmmaker and actor Charlie Chaplin once said, “You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.” As a man who produced smiles...

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Should I Meditate?

What do Madonna, Steve Jobs, Joe Namath, Oprah Winfrey, Phil Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Seinfeld, Kobe Bryant and Clint Eastwood have...

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Want to Innovate? Cultivate Compassion

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ―Aesop

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Just Think: People Prefer Pain to Their Own Thoughts

When choosing between being left alone with their own thoughts or administering electric shocks to themselves, people prefer electric...

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Shifting Priorities: The Art of the Mindful Email

Not so long ago, the ability to multitask was viewed as an asset, but the glamour of doing many things at once is fading. The term...

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