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Memory Problems? Try Idling Your Brain

Thanks to the convenience of mobile devices, most of us spend a fair amount of time online these days. In fact, Global Webindex, which has...

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Put Down the Phone and Tap Into Mindfulness

Need some motivation to take a break from your phone and do some good at the same time? UNICEF may have an answer.

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Commuting with Kindness

How’s your commute? Do live near work and enjoy a quiet walk to the office? Or do deal with crowds on public transportation or jammed roads...

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The (Literal) Steps to Mindfulness

One reason to practice mindfulness is to simplify: Modern life is dynamic and often provides so much sensory input and distraction that it...

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How to Thrive Under Pressure

Have you ever wondered why some people thrive under pressure while others crumble? A lot it comes down to how we prepare mentally.

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The Power of Letting Go

Meditation is often referred to as the art of letting go because, as you meditate, you aim to recognize any feelings and thoughts that...

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How Meditation Increases Productivity and Performance

How does your calendar look? Is it overbooked with meetings and deadlines? Do you feel like you have more work than you have time to...

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Mindfulness: The Power of Small Acts

Once, when I first started teaching mindfulness, a participant in my class, an engineer from India whom I’ll call Sandip, told me about...

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Build a Meditation Practice by Starting Small

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. —Aristotle

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Meditate to Cut Your Losses

Sometimes it’s tough to quit. We’ve all stayed too long in relationships, projects, jobs or investments that weren’t working out as we...

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