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Compassion and empathy are skills that can help you navigate difficult relationships, connect with your colleagues more authentically and sense as a leader what would best serve your team, organization or community.

Luckily, these are skills that can be trained. Developing your compassion and empathy will not only improve your relationships with others, both personally and professionally, but it can also improve personal well-being. Enjoy our collection of articles, videos and resources that can help you strengthen empathy and compassion today.

Read our articles on compassion and empathy:

Build Trust With Compassion in the Workplace

One of the most powerful tools for building trust in the workplace is compassion. When your employees know you’re on their side, they’ll naturally be on…

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Job Skill Essentials

John Donne said, “No man is an island.” We agree. Offices should not be an environment where employees feel isolated. The best offices feature collaboration,…

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Overcome Office Setbacks

We all want the superlative review, but what should you do if a monthly evaluation is below your expectations.? It can be jarring to receive…

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Mirror Neurons

When the boss isn’t happy, nobody’s happy. It’s an age-old adage that just might have some science behind it. Empathy is often misunderstood as a…

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Small Steps Toward Empathy

In this decade, we’ve seen a huge shift in momentum toward building a deeper understanding of what truly are the sources of empathy, of compassion…

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Videos with experts on compassion and empathy:

Try a guided meditation on compassion:

Download our Free #PracticeKindness eBook:


Ready to learn more?


Learn more about our programs and connect with one of our client advisors about bringing a training to your organization.