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Sue Bolde

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Traverse City, MI, USA

Languages Offered

  • English


Sue has a passion for solving complex social issues. She enjoys partnering with nonprofit, corporate, and philanthropic organizations to build resilient leaders who undertake challenging missions that shift mindsets and evoke systems change. Sue became a Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher as Executive Director of Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center. While searching for ways to address secondary traumatic stress in her staff, Sue discovered SIY and applied some of the practices at TBCAC. To her delight, the staff reported feeling happier and Sue was hooked! If SIY could bring well-being to people working in the trenches of trauma, imagine what it could do for all sectors of our society! Sue has a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a master’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago.