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Robbie Fenlon

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Yvorne, Suisse

Languages Offered

  • English, French


Robbie is a performance coach, a workshop facilitator, a mindfulness and emotional intelligence teacher, and a professional mountain guide. Robbie’s purpose is to help people discover how they can develop themselves through inner and outer explorations. He works with entrepreneurs, needle movers in organizations of various types, and innovative drivers of the health and education sectors. He has a special interest in working with people and teams who want to make a positive impact in the world. His passion working with teams is about helping them build connexion and trust, since these are the principal factors of high performing teams. Prior to founding True, Robbie worked for 25 years as a professional mountain and ski guide and climbing instructor. He co founded Wilderplaces Europe (Chamonix) and Wilderplaces Nepal, two mountain guiding and trekking companies. Running a trekking and guiding business and being part of several Himalayan 8000 m peaks expeditions has taught Robbie about the value of collaboration, self awareness, and self development. But most of all the value of working with other great people in an atmosphere of mutual support. Robbie is based in Switzerland and runs True, an integral coaching and emotional intelligence training business. He is certified as an integral coach (ICF/PCC Certified), and a SIY Global coach. He is also certified as an emotional intelligence coach and workshop facilitator with SIY Global, and as an IFMGA professional mountain guide. Robbie is a founding member Mindfulness Association Switzerland and a Mindfulness-Based and Compassion-Based Living Courses certified teacher.