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Grace Edmunds

SIY Certified Teacher


  • New Haven, CT, USA

Languages Offered

  • English


Grace has facilitated mindfulness programs for multinational companies and organizations whose focus range from tech and accounting/consulting to top tier universities and non-profit organizations. She has also been a meditation teacher for over a decade. Grace’s work centers around developing wise and compassionate leaders from the ground up who will change the fabric of their organizations, families, communities and greater world. She has a BA from the University of Colorado, extensive training and teaching experience as a Yoga & Meditation teacher, and has successfully completed studies with the Mindfulness Training Institute as well as SIY. Grace enjoys facilitating workshops and international retreats for women that support building positive life practices and cultivating the tools for greater wellbeing through yoga and mindfulness. She attributes much of her passion and experiential knowledge to her time spent living and volunteering in India and Nepal where she learned about humility and strengthened her resolve for helping as many humans be healthy, and happy.