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Denis Sanko

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Moscow, Russia

Languages Offered

  • English, Russian


Professional Experience During the last 22 years Denis Sanko held a number of corporate positions, starting as a business analyst in the field of strategic marketing in the United States, he continued his career in Russia in top positions in customer management and operational marketing, moving further to organizational design and strategy while working for Hay Group. For the last 7 years he is specializing in corporate strategy and change management, helping mid-size and large organizations to set the optimal strategic objectives and then accomplish them. Being in the change management field for over 10 years, he had adopted a number of instruments that support change and reduce stress that is common in times of significant changes in the organizations. One of the instruments he utilizes is mindfulness-based stress management practices. As a meditation practitioner himself for nearly 15 years, he naturally gravitated toward the SILYI, enriching his offering with Search Inside Yourself programm. Education Denis Sanko holds MBA degree with specialization in marketing from Madonna University, MI, USA and two Bachelor degrees (in Social Psychology and Business Administration) from St. Mary's College, MI, USA. Working with large organizations in various roles he obtained a number of different skills to support individuals and groups during the change process. With groups, his favourite coaching instrument is WIAL Action Learning (he is a certified Senior Action Learning coach), with individuals he practices executive and career management coching.