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David Fringer

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Omaha, NE, USA

Languages Offered

  • English


David Fringer lives in Omaha Nebraska with his wife Nancy and enjoys spending time with his two children and three grandchildren. David has been a teacher, program leader, and public school administrator serving Nebraska and Iowa schools since 1993. He is currently the Executive Director of IT, Media, and Operations for the Green Hills Area Education Agency in SW Iowa. While not directly related to his primary role, well being, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence has become his passion project. David is interested in sharing his passion for mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and leadership with schools, school districts, nonprofits, and businesses. David's Introduction to mindfulness came via Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in 2010. Embodiment of mindful, compassionate leadership and daily practice are key components of David's approach to leadership and teaching.