Enhance your organization's emotional intelligence, resilience, and well-being. Reach out to discover how.

Astrid Bottger

SIY Certified Teacher


  • Göttingen, Deutschland

Languages Offered

  • English, German


Born in the countryside of Germany I enjoyed my freedom strolling through the forests, accompanied by my friends and my dogs. After school I studied Russian literature, diving deep into the different kinds of human characters. Then, later, working as a speech trainer for TV stations, I supported people to perform in difficult situations: managing their stress in front of the camera was a big challenge for them. So - what could I give them? I studied mental and hypno-systemic techniques, went to India to study yoga and meditation. I never stopped being curious! Improving skills is a gift for me. Today I am working as an university teacher, a management trainer and a leadership coach: I get in contact with many people. And I find, that in VUCA-times SIY is the perfect mixture between leadership, science and silence. I love the crispness of the program and the depth of its content. Teaching SIY for me is the logic consequence of everything I learned, saw and felt. I am grateful to be able to spread it to the world!